Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

My name is Mathew Evans and thank you for taking the time to read my personal portfolio! Allow me to tell you a little about myself and my aspirations. I am a motivated and adaptable person with a penchant for self-directed learning.
I am continually learning and adding to my skillset, and am proud of my productiveness and creativity. I am interested in web design as a career and am willing and able to prove my worth to the right employer.
In the past I have experience in the field of sport both as an athlete and more recently as a volunteer coach for over a decade.
I am always using lessons learned in all facets of my life in how I carry myself moving forward, and pride myself in my abilities as a team player. Please see the rest of my portfolio for more about my skills and achievements!

Learn More


Chat AI App

Using Javascript and openAI API, Created a ChatGPT AI Application.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • Vite
  • Node
  • Render
  • Vercel


Select colors to get desired gradient color. Copy the code into your project.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


Using React.js and RESTful API, Robofriends is a webb app with features such as search box, scroll bar, and error boundary message

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • JSON

Fully Responsive Website

Taking a Figma design and using React.js, created a fully responsive and responsive website.

  • React
  • Figma
  • CSS


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Back-end to Design.

  • Front-End

    Experience with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    Tools like Figma

About Me

I played college baseball across North America and I played junior "A" hockey in Alberta. I have always had a passion for sports and transitioned as a player to coach where I enoyed working with players of all ages. Having the opportunity to give back to the community has always been a passion of mine.

Be a Sponge when it comes to learning